Asking how long it takes to get a loan approved is like asking how long a piece of string is. Every application is unique, so the time between your first contact with us and approval can never be predetermined. There are, however, some things you can do to help hurry your application along.
If you’re not prepared, it could take up to a month. The most common reason for a delay is a lender’s turnaround time to assessment, especially when some lenders have competitive offerings and experience larger application volumes, but a lack of preparation can cause this delay to snowball.
We will help you take all the necessary steps to ensure fast home loan approval, but there are simple ways you can help hurry the process along before your first meeting with us.
Disclose all information
To avoid back and forth requests, which can delay your application, ensure your lender has a thorough understanding of you as an applicant including appropriate identification of all borrowers. Provide all the supporting and necessary documents upfront tous, and convey as much detail as possible in relation to your requirements and objectives and have good, current information on your financial position. We will need to not only have your full financial details but will also need to take reasonable steps to verify it.
To ensure your application avoids any unnecessary delays, speak to us today!